How do you keep track of so many kids?

Our aim is to make KPU the best week of EACH kid’s summer.  This obviously includes keeping them safe, keeping track of EACH of them during the day and returning them back to their parents each day at 4pm. (Yes, you do have to take them back!) There are 3 major groups at KPU (Grades 1&2’s, 3&4’s and 5&6’s) and each one can have between 60-70 kids in them.  These groups always go to their activities together (Morning Rec, Crafts, Group Time, etc.). Within these groups, kids will be in small groups of 10 or less and each of these will have 2 leaders (one experienced leader - adult/older youth and one younger leader).  These leaders' primary roles are to love, spend time with, get to know and keep track of each child in their group.  We always aim for a 1:5 leader to child ratio and often we’re at 1:4!  This is the “secret sauce” of what makes KPU successful. (Oops, it’s not so secret now!)

YES, unless your child and their friend have a big difference in age, HE/SHE CAN BE IN THE SAME GROUP!

What are my kids taught at KPU?

As a church, our hope is to point people to God through Jesus.  At KPU, we understand that many, if not the majority of the kids that attend may have little or no church background or may even be from a different faith.  We think that’s great and try to be sensitive in meeting kids and families with where they are at. Our theme in 2023 was Kindness - Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. Each day at KPU we will tackle this virtue in different and creative ways. At the end of the week, our hope is that the kids will discover that showing kindness is a great way to live. That can’t be a bad thing! If you have any more questions about this, please email Mark Williams or phone at 780-462-5233.



Each day at Kids’ Power Up is a fun and exciting adventure designed to keep kids active and engaged.  Every morning includes awesome crafts, fun games out in the fields and Group Time (where we learn about the Virtue of the Day).  Afternoons are highly anticipated as kids look forward to our Afternoon Sizzles (Jumpy Houses, Waterday, Carnival and more), playground time, and the Video de Jour (some cool down time under the tents).  Throw in some music, snack times (provided by us) and lunch (provided by you) and each day flies by!  Kids’ go home happy and a little tired out from an active day. They can’t wait for the next day! KPU Starts each day at 8:30am and ends at 4pm.